1 | 10.00–10.30 | Official opening ceremony | |
2 | 10.30–11.00 | IPARD experiences | Goran Živkov, Seedev, Serbia |
3 | 11.00–11.30 | European apple market overview – stock and sales dynamics | Adam Paradowski, Plantpress, Poland |
4 | 11.30–12.00 | Apple cultivars and mutants – worldwide trends and experiences from Serbia | Prof. Dr Zoran Keserović Novi Sad University, Serbia |
5 | 12.00–12.45 | How to increase profitability of apple orchards – experiences from West Europe | Gerard Poldervaart, EFM, Holland |
6 | 12.45–13.15 | Challenges in pest control on apples. | Jadranka Aleksic, Grower Manager Bayer, Alpe Adria Cluster |
7 | 13.15–13.45 | Break | |
8 | 13.45–14.30 | Methods for effective scab control | Dr Christian Scheer, KOB Bavendorf, Germany |
9 | 14.30–15.00 | Bitter pit prevention strategies in apple fruits | Prof. Dr Nenad Magazin Novi Sad University, Serbia |
10 | 15.00–15.30 | Modern technologies in apples storage | Prof. Dr. Janez Hribar University of Ljubljana, Slovenia |
11 | 15.30–15.45 | Fruit journey from tree to table – quality maintenance and storage risk prediction | Przemyslaw Badowski, Agrofresh, Poland |